My Papa


    The other day at church I looked over at my Papa (Grandfather) and realized he was getting older, and my heart was breaking. I could see his skin and how older it was getting and how he is shaking and cannot take care of himself like he could. My Papa is 73 and I know in my heart that he is getting older and may not be with me very long. I pray he makes it to 150 but realistically I know that is unlikely. When my Maw maw died in 2017, I realized the life I short and to spend every chance I can with family because tomorrow is not promised. I am so grateful my daughter gets to know her Papa and knows the joy I had from him growing up. He is such a sweet man and would do anything he can for anyone. He served in Vietnam for the USMC and because of that he shakes very badly and cannot hold on to things that great. In 2020 during covid, he was outside in his workshop with a table saw and slipped while cutting a board and he lost two fingers because of this. He was told in 2005 that any surgery would kill him, but by God's grace of God he made it through the emergency surgery to fix his hand. He deserves the world, and I am trying everything in my power to give it to him! I will graduate school and make him proud! 

The pictures are of my Papa with my daughter and the camp is where my Papa was stationed for a while before going to Vietnam! 


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