Stomach bug equals no fun!

     I have never been this sick even when I was pregnant with my daughter! Monday at work I was sitting on the floor playing with my students and suddenly my stomach started aching just like the stomach bug aching! I tried to play it off like I was not hurting but inside I was in so much pain. I ended up getting up and getting my jacket because I started getting the chills and after no longer than 5 minutes, I threw up everywhere. I was absolutely embarrassed but I could not help it. The radioed my boss and she told me if I could drive to go ahead and go home. I was okay to drive home and went to my parents because that was where my daughter was due to my husband working that day. I slept honestly for 2 hours when I got there. My doctor believes I have a bad case of stomach virus because I have not eaten since Monday and cannot keep anything down! I have been lucky because my husband is off, and he has been taking care of my daughter while I rest but I am a mother first, so I am still hanging out with her. 


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