First week of college is done!


    I was honestly so impressed with myself that I have completed all of the requirements for the introduction assignments and now I can dive deep into my major. All of my classes seem super fun and seem like I can get these classes over and do great. It was honestly so easy to get those done with my support system. I have stinky pads all over my house with quotes and inspirations to keep me going. Most of the notes include my daughter and it keeps me going. When my husband I got married it was in 2020 during covid and I was a full-time nanny, and he was working for Asplundh tree company. We knew that is not what we wanted to do with our lives, but we could not wait to get married. I told him to go for any career he wanted to go into, I did not know that law enforcement was his dream. I grew up with a father who was a law enforcement officer, and I knew the dangers of that job. In January of 2021 he started BLET which is Basic Law Enforcement Training. He graduated with that degree in June of 2021 and went full force in that line of duty. I was working in the school system at that time, but I knew I was not happy. 

    Now that my daughter is one and I have more down time I wanted to get my degree before she turned 5 and started school. The first week has flown by and it continues to fly by, and I know the next four years will continue to go and I will soon be able to walk across that stage and get my degree. I believe if you put your mind and soul into any goal you will succeed. I will continue to teach my daughter Sophia that you can accomplish anything and to go after it even if it is 5 years after you graduate high school. I am so excited to continue my education even after I graduate Davidson community college. 

Below is pictures of my husband and I when he graduated BLET and I was pregnant with our daughter, Sophia. 


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