Life of a cop's wife!

     Caleb my husband has been an LEO which is Law Enforcement Officer since 2021 when he graduated. I was raised by an LEO my dad since he graduated school when I was 3 so I knew the understanding of it when he graduated. My mom mentioned to me that when he graduated my life would never be the same and she was 100% correct. He has been working at Davie County Sheriff's Office since then and my world has forever changed. They have rotating shifts which means one month he is daytime 7AM-7PM and the next month he is 7PM-7AM. Right now, he is on the night shift, and it is such an adjustment especially since I am in school. He sleeps a long time on the first day he is off, and my daughter and I patiently wait on him to wake up so we can see him. During his nighttime rotation, we spend a lot of time on facetime so my daughter can sleep. 

    I know if he could have permeant shifts, he would but that is not something that the agency is offering at this time. It is hard sleeping while he is working at night but having him on facetime definitely does help me sleep. I just call him when we are ready for bed and prop him up on the nightstand and go to sleep. He normally hangs up when I fall asleep and that definitely helps her and me. I never sleep well when he is at nightshift but somehow, I manage, is it the coffee or am I running on mom energy. I continue sleeping like this until he is back in the daytime shift. I always wonder when he is on nighttime, did he sleep enough the day before?  Does he have enough coffee? Did he eat enough? Is he going to have a bad call? Will someone that shouldn't come up to the car and try to hurt him? All these questions run through my mind. My mom was definitely correct about my life will never be the same. I continue going like this until the next day at least until he clocks back in. 

    My father was on nighttime for 6 months, so I never truly knew what it was like until Caleb got put on this schedule. I will continue doing my normal routine when he is on nights until Sophia our daughter gets older. We typically eat supper around 7:15 PM and then she gets a bath. After a bath, she then gets settled into her PJ'S and plays quietly in her room.  I continue to watch her on the monitor, and she plays until she is ready for bed which is around 9PM. We go into her room, and I rock her while we talk to Caleb. She falls asleep around 9:15PM and she sleeps until 8 AM. Married to a LEO is hard but it is rewarding. 


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