Typical Saturday Morning!


    Before I started college my typical Saturday morning included my daughter waking up and letting me know she is awake. We both get up I change her diaper and we head to the kitchen for my fruit loop cereal and some strawberries. I am not a big breakfast person, so I sit and drank my coffee while she eats. When she gets done, we go into the living room for her to watch some Ms. Rachel. I know a lot of mothers are not for screen time and I understand that. Sophia my daughter does not watch TV all day. She watches it maybe for a total of 2 hours a day. Ms. Rachel has taught my daughter many things, she is an early childhood educator on YouTube. She has taught Sophia baby sign language, her ABC'S, different songs, how to say words, and so many other things. If my husband at work which is every other weekend, we go to my parents so she can see her grandparents and her aunts and uncles. We go other there and if I need to run errands, including the grocery store my parents will watch her for me. Like I said in my other post my support system is huge. 

    Around 6 that evening I will go home and start supper, while supper is cooking, I will begin my college course work. I am a big person on multitasking, and I have become pretty great at it especially since I have become a mother. Once supper is done and Caleb, my husband, is home we will eat supper together. He will take Sophia into the living room and play games with her while I clean the kitchen. We rotate who cleans the kitchen every other night. I give Sophia a bath that way she is all clean for church Sunday morning. By this time, it is 8:30-9 pm at night and we go into the living room as a family and read some books that way we can all calm down and get ready for bed. I have been reading books to Sophia since the first night she was home and honestly now she tries to read the books herself and it amazes us every day. 

    I am sure that later in the semester everything may start stresses me out, but I truly believe that I am going to great this semester and graduate with my degree. I am so excited that way when Sophia gets older, I can introduce her to my degree and helping her get hers. Below is a picture of Ms. Rachel from her YouTube channel and my siblings and parents. I am also including some stats on toddlers and screen time. 


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