Brother's birthday!

 When I was six years old my parents had their third child, which was a little boy. He was born on March 7th,2006. He was born with a heart condition called, hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Which means he was born with the left side of his heart being underdeveloped or completely gone. He lived for 25 days after he was born and passed away on April 1st,2006. I was only six when all of this was taken place, but I remember everything from the time he was born to the day he passed away. He was so little to me, and I wanted to protect him with everything in me but did not realize it was up to God completely. It has been 17 years next month since he was born, and I cannot believe it has been that long. Every year we always have a birthday party for him and let off balloons no matter what. He may not be here anymore but that always helps my family, and we will continue to do it. He will always know how much he is loved and how much he means to us. I have so many pictures throughout my house of him and so do my parents. 


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