First couple classes coming to an end

 I cannot believe the first couple of classes is almost over. They have been the most stressful but also the most rewarding. I am so proud of myself because I did not think I would make it this far and have always doubted myself. Soon I will be able to say my first semester is complete and I have only 3 or 4 more to go and I will get my degree. I am so proud of myself thus far and I will continue to push myself forward and bring myself closer to my degree. I will always say I am doing this for my daughter and I truly am. She will be able to say mommy made it and mommy made it for me. She will be proud of me because I have completed my classes thus far as well. I am so excited to complete these classes and see what my final GPA is. All my classes so far have been pretty amazing, and I am excited to see my other classes as well.

I am though needing to find some more organizational skills because English in college is a lot different than high school English. I feel like I am doing okay but I can defiantly improve. 


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