Freaking myself out!

 All week long I have been working on my final English paper. All day today I was putting the finishing touches on it, and I go to upload it to our final and I remember it is not due until 03/02! Now I can breathe, and I have so much more time to work on it. I even had it down in my planner and my computer planner that it was not due until 03/02 but I still freaked myself out. I believe I did that because it is such a big paper. I am so excited to have more time to work on it and get a great grade on it. 

I believe that if I keep working on it like I have been I will get a great grade and finish the class strong in this class. This class has been so fun, and I am excited about the scavenger hunt we are doing this week. I also believe I am so used to having a week to write a paper and always finishing the final touches to the paper on Sunday, that is why I did that today. I was so excited when I went to turn it in and seen I had more time to finish it. 


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