Just ranting!

I normally do not write or even discuss police brutality, but my heart has been hurting this weekend. 

 Typically, I am not one to say much on any topic of police brutality just because I do not know everyone's heart on that topic. As a police wife and daughter, I will say not all law enforcement officers are this way! It absolutely breaks my heart seeing all the death threats and evil comments towards LEO'S because not all of them act this way. Just because of one or a couple bad apples should not cause the whole tree to be thrown away. When my husband and my father put on their badge my heart truly breaks because I do not know if they will come home that night. My husband and father loves everyone and take their oath very seriously. I am heartbroken for the family of the young man that was tragically killed but that does not make all law enforcement officers bad. 

My daughter needs her father and her Pawpaw just like those young man's family needed him. The ones who are responsible for his death should be punished but please do not punish all the good law enforcements agents in the world that are good people. 


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