Milestones with my daughter!

 My daughter officially turned 16 months old today and man my little 6-pound 15-ounce baby is growing up. When we took her to the doctor for a well-child check-up, she was already passing two-year-old milestones. She is growing up so fast and honestly, I do not know if my heart can keep up. I am so proud of her and how big she is getting and how smart she already is and is becoming. She can say words very well and is trying to say complete sentences. She already says, "Hey google play Elvis." She loves Elvis and loves suspicious minds the most. She is going to be an amazing adult and I know she will become anything and everything she can set her mind to. I am so excited to see where her life takes her but another hand, I am not ready for my little baby girl to grow up. Her father my husband is so excited and overjoyed for her to achieve everything and I am too, but I am not ready for her to leave us. She is growing up so fast and so beautifully, but I know this world is too hateful and mean for my little girl. All I can do is pray and give her to God and he will handle the rest. 

Sophia will grow up and do everything in her power to be an amazing adult. 


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