Tar Heel Basketball!

 I have always been a die-hard Carolina basketball fan since I was a little girl. My family is the same way, and we cannot stand Duke! Carolina basketball goes way back, and everyone knows the rivalry between Carolina and Duke! Which side do you pull for? My husband on the other hand is a die-hard Duke fan and has been since he was a little boy. You cannot convince him that UNC is the way to go. On the other hand, he cannot convince me that Duke is the way to go either. We will watch each other's team when they are playing but when Duke and UNC play against each other we pull for our own team and that night is definitely interesting, to say the least. I will try to get my daughter to watch and pull for UNC but honestly who knows who she will pull for maybe just maybe she will pull for a completely different team. That would be just fine with me that way neither her mom nor dad get upset. 

Duke VS UNC has always been a big rivalry and even if you do not like either team that game is still a big watch and you either watch it or hear about it the next day. 


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